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This entry is, at the moment, not complete, and unless you already know what I am talking about, you might not really understand what has been the problem I saw.

A. Entry


Hinduist and Buddhist terminology are quite apart here. Yet, I believe, after a conversation I had with a friend, that the Bubdhist term "anatman" is not a denial of the TRUE ATMAN, but of the little, small atman.

Cf. my remarks here, sub A. I. with references.

Eckhart Tolle says in the meditation in the  ETV-edition of December 2009 that no-Self and the Greater, the Formless Self, the Self in Hinduism and Buddhism are the same (see towards the end, around minutes 40-42). In this context, also 040611qa1_06_identity_728k.mp4, ETV-edition of December 2011 is interesting.

Looking into the explanation of words in Franklin Merrell-Wolff's "Experience and Philosophy" (also as to the terms "Hinduism" and "Buddhism", as well as in Swami Paramahansa Yoganandas "The Second Coming of Christ" could also be helpful here.

B. Related

Also see "Brahman" and "Self"

C. Additions

If you are a friend of me or a former student and feel you have information that should be added here, please let me know.

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